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Who is Wild Blue Dolls?

Since childhood, when getting a Barbie doll represented months of hard work and saving by her mum, Camille spent hours creating a home, accessories and an extensive wardrobe for the few dolls she was lucky enough to have. 


Designing clothes from fabric offcuts was a favourite pastime. The sewing machine was one of her family's prized possessions and was off-limits to anyone but mum! So Camille had to hand sew doll's dresses until her mum, Carol, eventually relented and showed her the basics on the machine. There was no looking back! 


Imagination play gave Camille a safe environment to be who and what she wanted. Having to work with limited supplies allowed her imagination to be limitless. 


Eventually the dolls were packed away, but not forgotten. Once nieces and nephews were on the scene, the original doll crew and their wardrobes were brought out and refreshed for each new child that came through the door. Every time something new was added to the pile, a sense of accomplishment came with it. Soon, there were more clothes than could possibly be used by all the children in the family. Camille turned to Trade Me to enable her passion of making lovely things for dolls, which meant that the spare bedroom was actually available for guests instead of being a walk-in wardrobe for dolls. 


It was the perfect hobby, to turn off and on whenever the need to be creative struck. Since the pandemic, Camille has developed the passion to be a full-time hobby. When she's not painting, or binge-watching Ru Paul's Drag Race or out hiking with her partner, Chris, she's elbow-deep in fabric, lace, beads and ribbon. 


If you are interested in working Camille in some capacity, please reach out and let her know.

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By supporting Camille you're keeping the lights on and her creative energies focused on all the fun things there are to make.

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